A creative approach to therapy.
Neurologic Music Therapy
Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT) uses the nuances of music to promote and influence neuroplasticity, so really, we’re changing, or rewiring the brain. This evidence-based practice uses musical interventions to achieve motor, speech, cognitive and/or sensory goals for those experiencing a neurologic disease of the human nervous system. Many people can benefit from NMT, such as people experiencing Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Acquired or Traumatic Brain Injuries, Alzheimer's disease, and many more.
Sensorimotor and Movement Training
These techniques are useful for individuals with motor issues related to neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, Huntington’s disease, and hemiparesis or spasticity due to stroke or a traumatic brain injury. The most important feature of sensorimotor rehabilitation is the use of rhythm, or having a consistent beat available and because humans are biologically rhythmic, music’s extreme rhythmic stimulus helps our bodies subconsciously entrain and modify itself, without much necessary training. Thus, using rhythmic-based activities, music is used to facilitate and improve an individual’s range of motion, joint mobility/agility/strength, balance, coordination, and gait.
Speech and Language Training
These techniques incorporates a lot of singing and playing wind instruments, but you don’t need to have any training as a musician to participate. Instead, speech/song phrases can be used to regain language after a stroke or brain injury. Alternatively, wind instruments like a kazoo, harmonica, or melodica, can be used to strengthen the muscles surrounding our mouth to improve production of speech or improve our breathing for individuals with ASD or a degenerative disease. Finally, incorporating music in the development of language is especially beneficial for those experiencing any developmental delays.
Cognitive and Sensory Training
These techniques are useful for individuals who may have responsive behaviours due to an ABI, attention difficulties due to developmental delays, or for those experiencing difficulties with memory. It can be subcategorized into attention, memory, executive functioning, and psychosocial training. For example, when working with children experiencing ASD, we can incorporate musical play to improve attention. Alternatively, music can be used as a nonverbal form of communication to offer individuals opportunities for emotional processing, validation, mood evaluation, and personal connection.